I've been struggling a bit with getting my #jellyfin instance to recognize an external harddrive, I kept getting a The path could not be found. Please ensure the path is valid and try again.-error.

Turns out it was two things:

  1. Jellyfin doesn't like it when a drive is mounted to /media/my_usr/drivename, so I added an entry to my fstab-file to auto-mount to my /srv/-directory which is where I put most of my stuff anyway.

  2. Once the drive was mounted, I hadn't given 'read'-permission to the 'other' role on my system, only to my own user. Jellyfin doesn't connect as you, obviously, so it can't see the files unless given explicit permission.

Anyway, this is all quite new to me, but I am enjoying myself and warming up to the point where I make the switch from windows to #linux some time in the coming year.