The Nursery

A self-hosted digital garden for... the new milennium?

I've been getting into #photography a bit again, mainly because I've finally been able to afford a decent secondhand full frame camera (Nikon D750). So I've been selling and buying lenses a bit, to move my DX-format lenses and get some which work on FX.

Which brings me to the topic at hand – D-series lenses. See, the d750 has a built-in focus motor, so it can use old autofocus lenses, something which entry-level cameras can't.

But I can't find a good list of all D-series lenses – so I guess I have to built it myself!


  • 16mm f2.8 D Fisheye (1993-2020)
  • 18mm f2.8 D (1993-2006)
  • 20mm f2.8 D (1994-2006)
  • 24mm f2.8 D (1994-2020)
  • 28mm f1.4 D (1993-2005)
  • 28mm f2.8 D (1994-2020)
  • 35mm f2 D (1995-2006?)
  • 50mm f1.4 D (1995-2006?)
  • 50mm f1.8 D (2002-?)
  • 60mm f2.8 D Micro (1993-2008)
  • 85mm f1.8 D (1994-2020)
  • 105mm f2 D (1993-2020)
  • 135mm f2 D (1995-2020)
  • 180mm f2.8 D (1994-2020)


Coming at a later date


Been meaning to add a spare 1 TB drive to the 2.5” slot on the m920x server. Took it offline tonight only to discover that while it had the slot, it did not in fact come with a SATA cable. So I ordered one on ebay, which is something I rarely do – use ebay I mean.

Now I'm considering also adding more RAM, it's currently running on 16 GB. I'm sure that's actually enough for anything I really need to do, but still.... tinkerers want to tinker...

So I used to run this blog – and other software – on an old NUC I borrowed from a friends, but it was a little underpowered for what I wanted to use it for, so I've bought another server – a Lenovo tiny with good specs.

I am currently in the process of moving everything over, and this is the first piece of software I have working. Nice!


Publius Licinius Egnatius Gallienus Augustus was Roman Emperor with his father Valerian from 253 to 260 and alone from 260 to 268.

He ruled during the Crisis of the Third Century that nearly caused the collapse of the empire. While he won a number of military victories, he was unable to prevent the secession of the important provinces of Palmyra and Gaul.

He was murdered by conspirators while besieging Mediolanum (Milan) in 268.

My Coins

I have a good number of coins struck under Gallienus, featuring both him and his dependents:

# Reference Obverse Reverse Notes
1 RIC 667 Virtus Avg
2 Sear 10299 Pax Aeterna Avg
3 Sear 10276 Liberal Avg
4 RIC 580 Provi Avg

Salonina – his wife

# Reference Obverse Reverse Notes
1 Sear 10640 Ivno Regina

Saloninus – his son

# Reference Obverse Reverse Notes
1 Sear 10775 Spes Pvblica

Publius Licinius Valerianus Augustus was Roman Emperor from 253 to 260 AD.

Early in his reign, affairs in Europe went from bad to worse, and the whole West fell into disorder. In the East, Antioch had fallen into the hands of a Sassanid vassal and Armenia was occupied by Shapur I. Valerian headed East to face the Persian threat.

He was taken captive by Sassanian Persian king Shapur I after the Battle of Edessa, becoming the first Roman Emperor to be captured as a prisoner of war, causing shock and instability throughout the Empire. He was used as a footstool for Shapur's horse and eventually executed; He was made to swallow molten gold, then stuffed and displayed as a trophy in the main Persian temple.

My coins

# Reference Obverse Reverse Notes
1 Ric 283 Felicitas Avgg
2 Sear 9996 Vota Orbis

Mariniana – his wife

# Reference Obverse Reverse Notes
1 RSC 2 Consecratio

Gaius Vibius Afinius Trebonianus Gallus Augustus was Roman Emperor from 251 to 253, in a joint rule with his son Volusianus.

His early career was a typical cursus honorum. In 250 he was nominated governor of Moesia Superior, an appointment that showed the confidence that emperor Decius had in him.

In June 251, Decius and his co-emperor and son Herennius Etruscus died in the Battle of Abrittus at the hands of the Goths. When the army heard the news, they proclaimed Gallus emperor, despite Hostilian ascending to the throne in Rome. Gallus did not back down, but accepted Hostilian as co-emperor.

In 253, the army became displeased with Gallus and proclaimed Aemilian emperor. Gallus died in battle against him at Interamna later that year.

My coins

I have a couple of coins of Trebonianus Gallus and his dependents.

# Reference Obverse Reverse Notes
1 Sear 9648 Sacvllvm Novvm

Volusian – his son

# Reference Obverse Reverse Notes
1 Sear 9742 Concordia Avgg

Caesar Gaius Messius Quintus Traianus Decius Augustus was Roman Emperor from 249 to 251.


Around 245, Emperor Philip I entrusted Decius with an important command on the Danube. By the end of 248 or 249, Decius was sent to quell the revolt of Pacatianus and his troops in Moesia and Pannonia – and after the collapse of the revolt, Decius reluctantly let the troops proclaim him Emperor.

Philip advanced against him and was killed at Verona, Italy, in September 249. The Senate then recognized Decius as Emperor, giving him the attribute Traianus in reference to the emperor Trajan.

In the last year of his reign, he co-ruled with his son Herennius Etruscus until they were both killed in the Battle of Abritus against the Goths.

My Coins

I have quite number of coins of Decius and his dependents:

# Reference Obverse Reverse Notes
1 Sear 9364 Abvndantia Avg
2 Sear 9366 Adventvs Avg
3 Sear 9368 Dacia
4 RIC 37c Dacia Felix
5 Sear 9378 Pannoniae
6 RIV 4 p 122 Pannoniae
7 Sear 9387 Victoria Avg

Herennia Etruscilla – his wife

# Reference Obverse Reverse Notes
1 Sear 9495 Pudicitia Avg

Herennius Etruscus – his son and co-emperor in 251

# Reference Obverse Reverse Notes
1 Sear 9518 Concordia Avgg

Lucius Aelius Aurelius Commodus ruled as co-emperor with his father Marcus Aurelius from 177 to 180, and as sole emperor from 180 to 192.


Although he considered his twelve-year-reign a new “golden age,” his lack of concern for political matters, life of leisure, and extreme paranoia brought about a reign of terror.

Commodus was extremely proud of his physical prowess. He thought of himself as the reincarnation of Hercules, frequently emulating the legendary hero's feats by appearing in the arena to fight a variety of wild animals.

On 31 December 192, he was poisoned and then strangled – upon his death, the Senate declared him a public enemy.

My Coins

I have a few coins of Commodus:

# Reference Obverse Reverse Notes

Lucius Aurelius Verus Augustus was the co-emperor of Rome with his adoptive brother Marcus Aurelius from 161 until his own death in 169.


Lucius Verus was the first-born son to Avidia Plautia and Lucius Aelius Caesar, the first adopted son and heir of Roman Emperor Hadrian.

When his father died in early 138, Hadrian chose Antoninus Pius as his successor, on the condition that Verus and Hadrian’s great-nephew Marcus Aurelius be adopted by Antoninus as his sons and heirs.

Lucius Verus married Lucilla – the daughter of his co-emperor Marcus Aurelius – and spent most of his time campaigning alongside Marcus Aurelius, until he died in 169 of either food poisoning or smallpox (the Antonine Plague).

My Coins

I have a couple of coins of Lucius Verus and his dependents:

# Reference Obverse Reverse Notes

Lucilla – his wife

# Reference Obverse Reverse Notes

Marcus Aurelius Antoninus Augustus was Emperor of Rome from 161 to 180. He ruled with Lucius Verus as co-emperor from 161 until Verus' death in 169.


Marcus Aurelius was the last of the so-called Five Good Emperors. He was a practitioner of Stoicism, and his untitled writing, commonly known as Meditations, is a significant source of the modern understanding of ancient Stoic philosophy.

During his reign, the Roman Empire defeated a revitalized Parthian Empire in the East. In central Europe, Aurelius fought the Marcomanni, Quadi, and Sarmatians with success during the Marcomannic Wars, although the threat of the Germanic peoples began to represent a troubling reality for the Empire.

Marcus Aurelius fell ill and died on 17 March 180, in the city of Vindobona. He was immediately deified and his ashes were returned to Rome.

My Coins

I have some coins of Marcus Aurelius and his dependents:

# Reference Obverse Reverse Notes
1 Sear 4782 COS DES II

Faustina II – his wife

# Reference Obverse Reverse Notes